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Audio Recordings

Jumua – Beatrice st.

November 17, 2017
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Controlling one's tongue. Chatting on social media should be governed by the same laws as the tongue.
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Nisbat ma'a Allah

Majlis – Khanqah

October 30, 2017
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai

Jumua – Hillgrove

October 20, 2017
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai

Majlis – Musalla Ebrahim

October 16, 2017
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai The significance of the muazzin. The seriousness of usury. Respect for Ulama.  
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Never trust the nafs. True Hijrat.
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