Birth and Lineage
Maulana was born on 23rd Rabiul Awwal 1400 corresponding to the 10th of February 1980 in Cape Town. Maulanas maternal grandmother was a Catholic teacher who accepted Islam. Her father was a white British journalist who married a black woman from the Khoisan tribe.
His maternal grandfather was a businessman from Kwazulu Natal whose mother was a Pathan woman from Kabul.
Maulanas paternal grandfather, the late Ismail Hajee Desai was a businessman who was Bay’ah to Hakeemul Ummah Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi r.a. and a close friend and of Munshi Saheb r.a. His paternal grandmother was from the Kajee family.
Early Life and Education
Maulana Yusuf Desai grew up in Lenasia, South Africa, and completed his Matric in Lenasia Muslim School. He was selected as a Prefect in the school until he was appointed as the Head Boy.
He participated in many Qiraat Jalsas hosted by AMS and was known for his recitation. Maulana also participated in the Imam Saud University Hadeeth Competition which required the contestants to memorize the entire 40 Ahaadeeth compilation of Imam Nawai r.a. Maulana Yusuf achieved first position in this competition.
Majaalis of the Pious.
It was the habit of the respected father of Maulana Yusuf, to attend the gatherings of the pious. Due to this, his father exposed him to the likes of Mft Mahmood Hasan Gangohi r.a, Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah r.a, Hajee Faroouq Sb r.a, Ml Abrarul Haq sb r.a and many more luminaries of the time.
Maulana stayed in the same town and extension (Extension 9) of the late Hz Mft Husain Bayat r.a and grew up with his children. When Hz Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar SB r.a came to South Africa, he would reside at the residence of the late Mft Husain Bayat SB r.a. It was during this period that Maulana had the good fortune of regularly spending time in the company and Majaalis of this luminary. It was also during this period that Maulana first met Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a.
Time was also spent attending the Majaalis of Hz Hajee Farouq sb r.a.
Maulana also had the good fortune of meeting Hz Ml Abrarul Haq sb r.a and sitting in his company.
These meetings, environments and encounters had a profound impact on Maulana.
Relationship with Hz Ml Yunus Patel r.a
The relationship with Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a commenced after the demise of Mft Mahmoodul Hasan Gangohi r.a. Maulana took Bay’ah on the hands of Ml Yunus Patel r.a and enjoyed a very close relationship with Ml Yunus Patel r.a. This relationship continued for a period of approximately 14 years from schooling days, the Hifz phase, Aalim phase until the demise of Ml Yunus Patel r.a. Infact, it was upon the guidance and instruction of Hz Ml Yunus Patel r.a that in 2004, Maulana migrated from Gauteng to Kwazulu Natal, where he spent time rendering service to Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a and received constant guidance from him.
Aalim Course
Due to Maulana’s constant participation in Qiraat Jalsas during schooling days, Maulana had developed a close and personal relationship with the late Qari Ismail Ishaq sb r.a. who was the head of the Qiraat and Tajweed faculty in Darul Uloom Azaadville. It was upon his request, that Maulana enrolled in Darul Uloom Azaadville to complete the memorization of the Quran Sharif. With the help of Allah Ta’aala, Maulana memorized the entire Quran in approximately 8 months.
Thereafter, Maulana went on to complete the Aalim course and Qiraat course.
Service to Deen
Upon the guidance and instruction of Hz Ml Yunus Patel r.a, in 2004, Maulana migrated from Gauteng to Kwazulu Natal, where he spent time rendering service to Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a. Maulana also taught Hifz in Madrasah Hamidiyyah (Overport) for approximately 3 years.
During this period, Maulana was given the responsibility of being the deputy Imam and appointed as Ameer of At Taqwa Madrasah by Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a.
Maulana Yusuf Desai is still the Ameer of At Taqwa Madrasah, appointed in 2008 and has been serving the institute to this day.
Maulana was the deputy Imam of Masjid e Noor, Asherville (Durban) during the life of Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel sb (Rahimahullah) from 2004 to 2011 and continued to make Imaamat at Masjid e Noor until 2020.
Thereafter Maulana was offered an Imaamat post in the Glenwood area. Looking at the need to serve deen in this area, Maulana began rendering services in this area. Maulana is currently the Imaam of Musallah Umar Al Farouk in Glenwood. Maulana is also involved in the management of the Al-Farouq Soup Kitchen and the An Noor Magazine.
Maulana first took Bay’ah on the hands of Mft Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (r.a). Upon the demise of Mft Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (r.a) upon the hands of Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a.
After the demise of Hz Ml Yunus Patel sb r.a, Maulana established a relationship with Hz Ml Hakeem Muhammad Mazhar sb (D.b) from whom Maulana received Khilafah.
May Allah Ta’aala continuously guide Maulana and grant him the best of health and strength to continue rendering his services.
Maulana may be contacted hereunder:
Masjid e Noor