
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai | The importance of exercising patience in adversity.

Jumua – Masjid e Noor

August 24, 2018
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai

Jumua – South Beach

July 20, 2018
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai The importance of appreciation.

Jumua – Demat

May 4, 2018
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Purifying the heart of malice.
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Safegaurding the commands of Allah Ta'aala in your youth.
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai

Jumua – Masjid e Noor

March 30, 2018
Speaker: Ml Yusuf Desai Time is life.