Madrasah Downloads and Ebooks

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Kitaab Downloads

The Benefits Of Companionship

By: Hazrat Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi (R.A)

This was a bayaan delivered on the occasion of the nikaah of Hadrat Maulānā Ilyās
Sāhib Kāndhlawī rahimahullāh as described by Hazrat Ml Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi (R.a) :                       “Hadrat Thānwī rahimahullāh commenced his lecture after the
jumu‛ah salāh and continued until the maghrib salāh (except
for a short break for the ‛asr salāh). He delivered the lecture
while standing. There were about three hundred people in
attendance. It was penned by Maulānā Sa‛īd Ahmad Sāhib.

 Download Book Now  (Right click and “save target as” to download)

The 14 Harms Of Casting Evil Glances

By: Hazrat Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (RA)

Download Book Now  (Right click and “save target as” to download)

Kicking the Habit

This booklet is a compilation of nasihat(advice) taken from various discourses of Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (R.a), which has been tremendously beneficial for many sincerely wanting to ‘kick’ their bad habits of smoking, drinking, drug-taking or gambling.

Download Book Now (Right click and “save target as” to download)

Removing The Safety Net

Transcription of a talk delivered by Hazrat Ml Yunus Patel Sb(R.a) related to the upbringing and supervision of children.

Download book Now (Right click and “save target as” to download)

Teaching the Qur’an Sharif with Love

Transcription of a talk delivered by Hazrat Ml Hakeem Muhammed Mazhar Sb(R.a) related to the teaching of Qur’an Sharif. This talk was delivered at a Hifz Jalsa.

A must read for Teachers engaged in this noble task. Those who understand Urdu may listen to the talk here.

Download book Now (Right click and “save target as” to download)

Other Kitaabs

  1. Hayaatul Muslimeen
  2. Beautiful Sunnats of  Our Beloved Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam
  3. Morning And Evening Duas